Aging and the Life Course
An Introduction to Social Gerontology
Jill S. Quadagno
Published: 2021-02
Pages: 425
"This book includes all the topics typically covered in a social gerontology text and contains three distinctive chapters. One of these is a separate chapter on the life course Chapter 2, "Life Course Transitions"). The growing emphasis in the field of social gerontology on the relationship between the quality of life in old age and an individual's cumulative experiences, choices, constraints, and opportunities over the life course. Another distinctive chapter focuses on the long term care of the frail elderly (Chapter 12, "Caring for the Frail Elderly"). A substantial body of research on this subject examines the burdens and satisfactions family members experience in caring for their aging kin, the problems associated with nursing home care, and the advantages and disadvantages of various alternative living arrangements"--