Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
Published: 1992
Pages: 1168
Ayn Rand's epochal novel, first published in1957, has been a bestseller for more than fourdecades as well as an intellectual landmark. Itis the story of a man who said that he wouldstop the motor of the world--and did. Was he adestroyer or the greatest of liberators? Why didhe have to fight his battle, not against hisenemies but against those who needed himmost--and his hardest battle against thewoman he loved? What is the world'smotor--and the motive power of every man?Tremendous in its scope, this novel presents anastounding panorama of human life--from theproductive genius who becomes a the great steel industrialist whodoes not know that he is working for his the philosopher who becomes the woman who runs atranscontinental the lowest trackworker in her Terminal tunnels.Peopled by larger-than-life heroes and villains,charged with towering questions of good andevil, Atlas Shrugged is Ayn Rand'smasterpiece. It is a philosophical revolutiontold in the form of an action thriller.