Client/server Computing for Dummies
Doug Lowe
Published: 1997
Pages: 410
Inside, find helpful advice on how to Discover what client/server computing can do for you with updates on the latest client/server development tools Understand important networking basics Demystify the jargon and get up to speed on ERDs, groupware, OOP, and Java Identify the fundamental components of client/server systems, such as client computers, server computers, graphical user interfaces, and local area networks Save money by controlling the hidden costs of client/server computing Recognize the role of standard query language (SQL) and relational databases in client/server computing Envision changes in client/server computing brought about by intranets, network computers, and Java Uncover a complete manager's guide to maintaining client/server systems Plus, Doug's Top Ten Lists: Ten client/server commandments Ten client/server acronyms decoded Ten client/server standards