Thumbnail Title Author(s) Edit
book Jacob's New Dress Sarah Hoffman, Ian Hoffman
book Button Up! Alice Schertle
book Oldies But Goodies Donna Lawson
book The Psychology of Clothes John Carl Flugel
book A Dictionary of Men's Wear ... with an Appendix Containing Sundry Useful Tables William Henry Baker
book Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing Xiaoming Tao, Textile Institute (Manchester, England)
book Introduction to Clothing Manufacture Gery Cooklin, Steven G. Hayes, John Joseph McLoughlin, fengxian Hou
book Caring for Your Cherished Possessions Mary Kerney Levenstein, Cordelia Frances Biddle
book Mary Had a Little Glam Tammi Sauer
book E-commerce for Exporting Garments from South Africa Sagren Moodley, Mike Morris, Myriam Velia