The Value of Disorder
Julien Brachet, Judith Scheele
Extralegal Groups in Post-conflict Liberia
Christine Cheng
Lectures in E-Commerce
Hannes Werthner, Martin Bichler
The Informal Sector in Francophone Africa
Nancy Benjamin, Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Ibrahima Thione Diop
Explorers and Exploration
Combatting Illicit Trade on the EU Border
Celina Nowak
Market Orientation in Food and Agriculture
Klaus Günter Grunert, Hanne Hartvig Larsen, Tage Koed Madsen, Allan Baadsgaard
India-Pakistan Trade
Nisha Taneja, Sanjib Pohit
Standard & Poor's Trade and Securities Statistics
A Colonial Economy in Crisis
Ian Brown